
Health Centre

The National Service Scheme will be in the forefront, when we consider the popular youth moments in the post independent India. However, it was in the year 1958, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru took initiative and advised the academicians to suggest the programme to involve student Youth in Social Service activities. University PG College, OU, Secunderabad presently has 2 units. Unit 1 (Boys) NSS programme officer is Dr Rajender Kandukuri , Department of Commerce Unit 2 (Girls) NSS programme officer is Ms A Sandhya, Department of Computer Science Health Centre The Health Centre on campus assesses the student health and well-being. It provides primary health care to students and staff who fall sick on campus before shifting them to Gandhi Hospital. Primary treatment is given for common colds, flu, fever and allergy. In every college sports are being made mandatory at that time a health center will give first aid and takes safety precautions.